Our Vision
The community will rely on the Ohio Township Public Library System to provide current information on a wide range of topics for personal enrichment, life-long learning, economic development, and leisure reading.
The community will look to the Library as the information center of the Township for instruction in the use and evaluation of electronic resources.
The community will see the Library as a meeting place where they can relax and enjoy both classic literature and contemporary publications and discover new media formats.
Both children and young adults will learn to appreciate and enjoy books, develop learning skills, and be prepared for formal learning through outstanding Library collections and varied programs.
Residents and visitors alike will have access to community information and local history and genealogy, where they can inform themselves of their local heritage.
Our Mission
To provide the means by which people of all ages, and interests may avail themselves of the recorded wisdom, experiences, and ideas of others in a way that best meets their individual needs.
Our Core Value
We believe free public libraries are essential in a democratic society. We respect the dignity of our patrons and the diversity of their needs. We nurture the basic human attribute of curiosity and support the pursuit of adventure, discovery, knowledge, wisdom and understanding. We defend vigorously the principles of intellectual and artistic freedom. We invest in our staff to enhance their abilities to encourage their enthusiasm to better serve the public.
In order to foster our vision, achieve our mission, and attain these values, we propose to engage in the enclosed goals and objectives.