Solar Eclipse Citizen Science

On Monday, April 8th 2024, a total solar eclipse will occur covering southwest Indiana in the shadow of the Moon for more than three minutes.  Through participating in citizen science activities you can help scientists take advantage of this unique opportunity.  By making and recording simple observations of what happens in the world around us before, during, and after an eclipse, you can increase data to dozens of projects studying everything from changes in animal behavior to temperature, clouds and wind; and even help inform what we know about the sun.  Join our area’s NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador and ASP/NSF Eclipse Star Educator Mandy Scurry to learn how to participate in citizen science and what citizen science eclipse projects match your location, interests, and schedule.

Mandy Scurry, M.S. has decades of experience sharing her love of space science with young and old alike.  With a master of science in space studies, a bachelor of arts in communication and an infectious enthusiasm, she is uniquely skilled to present big concepts in fun, engaging and understandable ways.  The NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador program is a network of more than a thousand volunteers worldwide and Mandy has been a member since 2019.    ASP/NSF Eclipse Star Educators are trained to provide engaging eclipse education to prepare their communities for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.